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ParklandOne - Account FAQ

ParklandOne account management is powered by a system called Okta.
  1. What is a ParklandOne account?
  2. What is my ParklandOne username?
  3. What is a temporary ParklandOne password?
  4. How do I set up my ParklandOne account?
  5. What are the ParklandOne password requirements?
  6. Can you tell me more about multifactor authentication (MFA)? 
  7. What if I've forgotten my ParklandOne password?
  8. What if I want to change my ParklandOne password?
  9. What are the effects of a ParklandOne password change?
  10. What if my name has changed?
  11. Can I change my language preferences within ParklandOne?
  12. Can I change my secondary email address within ParklandOne?
  13. Why do I receive an email message each time I sign into a Parkland service from a new device/browser or set up/delete a factor? Should I be worried if the activity details indicate an inaccurate location or operating system?
  14. What if my account gets locked?
  15. How often will I need to authenticate?
  16. When Im exiting a Colleague UI session, Im getting multiple prompts asking if Im sure I want to leave the page. Is this normal?
  17. When will my ParklandOne account terminate?
  18. How do departments request a ParklandOne account for a new employee or student worker?
  19. How do I get help if I am having issues with my ParklandOne account?

1. What is a ParklandOne account?

  • "ParklandOne" refers to your digital credentials for the College. It encompasses your Parkland username, password, and multifactor authentication (MFA).
  • All employees and students have a ParklandOne account for accessing most of Parkland's online systems and it is also used for signing onto Parkland computers.

2. What is my ParklandOne username?

3. What is a temporary ParklandOne password?

  • It is a randomized 12-character password that was sent to your alternative email address on file at Parkland. 
  • Your temporary password can only be used for setting up your ParklandOne account. It will not work for signing into any other Parkland services.
  • Didn't receive a temporary password? Please reference ParklandOne - Set Up Your Account and follow the advisement at the top of the article. 

4. How do I set up my ParklandOne account?

  • It is highly recommended that you set up your ParklandOne account from a personal device prior to signing onto a Parkland machine for the first time. If that is not possible, please utilize a kiosk within the Tech Service Desk (Room A184), a kiosk on the second floor of the Student Union (U-Building), or a Parkland machine that doesn't require login. 
  • Go to and follow the instructions outlined here: ParklandOne - Set Up Your Account
  • During the setup process, you will be prompted to create a password and set up your multifactor authentication (MFA): ParklandOne - What is Multifactor Authentication (MFA)?

5. What are the ParklandOne password requirements?

6. Can you tell me more about multifactor authentication (MFA)? 

7. What if I've forgotten my ParklandOne password?

8. What if I want to change my ParklandOne password?

9. What are the effects of a ParklandOne password change?

10. What if my name has chaned?

11. Can I change my language preferences within ParklandOne?

12. Can I change my secondary email address within ParklandOne?

13. Why do I receive an email message each time I sign into a Parkland service from a new device/browser or set up/delete a factor? Should I be worried if the activity details indicate an inaccurate location or operating system?
  • The location listed within the sign-in notification reflects the location of your internet service provider, not necessarily where you are physically at. Also, there is a known issue with the wrong operating system being displayed in the confirmation email when employees are connecting to VPN. 
  • The purpose of the notification is to ensure that you are informed when important actions are taken within your ParklandOne account. Since the security of your account is of the utmost importance, if you don't recognize the activity, please contact the Tech Service Desk.

14. What if my account gets locked?
  • For security purposes, your account will automatically lock after ten incorrect login attempts within a twenty minute period.You can either call the Tech Service Desk for immediate assistance or wait twenty minutes for your account to unlock and try again. If your account has become locked through no failed login attempts on your part, please contact the Service Desk right away. 

15. How often will I need to authenticate?

  • The default time period for most MFA prompts is 24 hours. If employees are accessing Colleague or other systems containing sensitive data, you may be asked to authenticate more frequently. 
  • Authentication is session based. This means that if you were to use another browser, the same browser in incognito/private mode, or another computer, you will be prompted to authenticate. Also, if you sign out of your machine, that will end the session and you will be prompted to authenticate at the next login. 

16. When Im exiting a Colleague UI session, Im getting multiple prompts asking if Im sure I want to leave the page. Is this normal?

  • Unfortunately, this is a known issue with Colleague UI and the cause relates to how they implemented this kind of connection. Ellucian is aware of the issue and are working on a fix. Campus Technologies does not have a timeline for the resolution.

17. When will my ParklandOne account terminate? 
  • Students:
    • Two years after completion of your last course at Parkland. 
    • After two years of non-enrollment, your account will be deactivated. Messages from deactivated accounts cannot be retrieved.
    • If you have mail you wish to retain, please forward it to a personal account.  Any documents saved to OneDrive should also be saved elsewhere.
    • Students will receive an email alert informing them of the pending deactivation 60 days prior to that action occurring.
  • Employees:
    • Upon separation from the college, all Parkland accounts will have access restricted, and be terminated.

18. How do departments request a ParklandOne account for a new employee or student worker?

  • Employee accounts are NOT auto-generated. Please submit the appropriate form as soon as possible in advance of your new employee's start date. 

19. How do I get help if I am having issues with my ParklandOne account?
  • Please contact the Tech Service Desk. You will likely be asked questions to confirm your identity before assistance is provided. 

Tech Service Desk

Room A184, 217-353-3333

Fall/Spring: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th. / 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fridays

Summer: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th

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parkland one one.parkland login.parkland pass word PW Okta account username login log in sign on credentials Okta MFA 2FA 2-factor multi factor two login logon log in sign authenticate sign-in sign-on verification code codes factors multi-factor authentication parkland one multifactor verify google authenticator SMS voice phone SMS security key yubikey chosen name, name change, preferred name legal name temporary workstation new employee account request student employee worker 
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Sara S. in Parkland College
Parkland College