Results: 1-14 of 14

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Microsoft 365 - Installing or Accessing Online (Windows and Mac)501382024-02-02139102
2Parkland College - BYOD Tech Preparation Checklist and Resources for Students659932023-12-197952
3Parkland College - Minimum Laptop Requirements for BYOD Courses615902025-01-257916
4Parkland College - Printing Information for BYOD Courses659832024-10-166346
5wePresent MirrorOp Software Installation (Mac)677012024-10-0420890
6wePresent User Guide (Mac)677062024-10-045237
7wePresent MirrorOp Installation for Audio (Mac)1221942024-05-242243
8wePresent/MirrorOp Software Installation (Windows)662722024-04-0327322
9Parkland College - BYOD Tech Resources for Faculty692302023-08-144824
10How do Parkland Students Request IT Help?658942023-06-025135
11Antivirus Software for Personal Devices655672023-01-266969
12Parkland Wi-Fi - Create a Guest Account1221992022-12-053687
13Parkland College - Dell Laptops For Sale in the Bookstore661062021-03-047361
14wePresent / MirrorOp Resources for Students692292019-08-055028

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