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ParklandOne - Set Up Your Security Methods

"ParklandOne" refers to your digital credentials for the College. It encompasses your Parkland username, password, and multifactor authentication (MFA). ParklandOne account management is powered by a system called Okta. After updating your temporary ParklandOne password, you will be asked to set up your security methods.

    This is required to access Parkland systems that utilize multi-factor authentication (MFA). MFA is an additional layer of security on top of your ParklandOne username and password and it is necessary to keep your account as safe as possible. 

    You will be shown a list of factor options. You must select Set up for at least one, but it is recommended that you set up more than one so you have a backup option for accessing Parkland systems.This does NOT mean that you will have to authenticate using all the methods each time you sign in. 

    To make an informed decision regarding which factor/s you want to set up, please see: ParklandOne - Compare the Multifactor Authentication (MFA) Options.

    For detailed instructions, you may select on the applicable link/s below:

    ParklandOne - Set up the Okta Verify Mobile Application for MFA

    ParklandOne - Use the Okta Verify Mobile Application for MFA

    [Link for document 104267 is unavailable at this time]

    ParklandOne - Set Up and Use SMS Text for MFA

    ParklandOne - Set Up and Use Voice Call for MFA

    ParklandOne - Set Up and Use a Security Key for MFA

    List of Okta factor options for setup.

    After setting up your first security method, you will be brought back to a list of the remaining factors. Note the Set up optional title at the top. You can either set up more factors or click the Set up later button at the bottom.

    List of optional Okta factors.

    Employees may be prompted to input a secondary email which will serve as another means of receiving notifications from the system. Please input your personal (not Parkland) email address in the field provided and select Finish. ParklandOne - Update Your Secondary Email Address

    Students should not be prompted to enter a secondary email address because the personal email address Parkland has on file for you has automatically been applied to this system. 

    Secondary email setup screen for Okta login

    Your ParklandOne account setup is complete and you will be signed into This is where you will access your ParklandOne Settings moving forward and it also serves as your apps dashboard for Parkland systems.You can choose which application or website you would like to navigate to from the options presented.

    Note: When you log into a Parkland service, if you have more than one factor set up, it will default to the last factor used on that device for that application. If you want to use a different factor, select the Verify with something else link on the password prompt.

    Alternative verification option.

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    Room A184, 217-353-3333

    Fall/Spring: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th. / 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fridays

    Summer: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th

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    parkland one one.parkland login.parkland pass word PW Okta account username login log in sign on credentials Okta MFA 2FA multi factor two login logon log in sign authenticate sign-in sign-on verification code codes factors multi-factor authentication parkland one multifactor 2-factor verify google authenticator SMS voice phone SMS security key yubikey 
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