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ParklandOne - Set Up and Use SMS Text for MFA

"ParklandOne" refers to your digital credentials for the College. It encompasses your Parkland username, password, and multifactor authentication (MFA). ParklandOne account management is powered by a system called Okta. This article reviews the process of how to set up ParklandOne with SMS Authentication and how to use it to log into Parkland services. IMPORTANT: The option of "Phone" (SMS/voice) is ONLY available to users who have already set up ParklandOne multifactor authentication as of 3/24/25.

IMPORTANT: The option of "Phone" (SMS/voice) is ONLY available to users who have already set up ParklandOne multifactor authentication as of 3/24/25.

SMS Authentication sends a code via text to the mobile phone number that was entered during the setup process. The code is then entered into the MFA prompt to allow authentication to the service.

Setup SMS Authentication

  • On the Set up security methods screen, click the Set up button below the Phone option.
    MFA Setup Selection List with Phone Authentication selected

  • Select the SMS option, select your country from the list, enter the mobile phone you would like to use for SMS, then click Receive a code via SMS.
    SMS Authentication Setup Screen with Country selection Phone Number entry and Send Code button

  • Once you receive your 6-digit code, input the code from your phone into the Enter Code box and click Verify.
    SMS Authentication setup Code Entry and Verify button

  • NOTE: If you do not receive the code at this stage, a prompt will appear to Send again. If you do not receive the SMS code, please select this prompt and you will be sent a new code.
  • SMS Authentication is now set up and ready for use.

Using SMS Authentication

  • When you attempt to access a service that is secured behind MFA, you will have the option to enter a code via SMS. 
  • On the Phone Authentication entry screen, click the Receive a code via SMS button. If you don't click the button, you will never receive a code!
    SMS Authentication Prompt Send Code button

  • Enter the code that was sent to the phone number associated with your ParklandOne profile and click Verify.
    SMS Authentication Prompt Code Entry and Verify Button

  • NOTE: If you do not receive the code at this stage, a prompt will appear to Send again. If you do not receive the SMS code, please select this prompt and you will be sent a new code.
  • If the code was entered correctly, you should now be directed to the service you were trying to connect to successfully.

Tech Service Desk

Room A184, 217-353-3333

Fall/Spring: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th. / 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fridays

Summer: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th

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phone text message login mfa multifactor multi factor receive code digit number send mult-factor 2FA android iphone ios parkland one one.parkland login.parkland pass word PW Okta account username login log in sign on credentials Okta MFA 2FA 2-factor multi factor two login logon log in sign authenticate sign-in sign-on verification code codes factors multi-factor authentication parkland one multifactor voice phone 
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Thomas P. in Parkland College
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