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Cobra Learning: Yuja Video Quizzes


Cobra Learning - YuJa Video Quizzes

YuJa Video Platform is a web-based recording solution that allows faculty, staff and students the ability to record, edit, caption, publish and share video content with ease. (See YuJa Video Basics). In this article, we will cover the details of adding and grading quizzes.

Table of Contents:

  1. Adding Quizzes
  2. Reviewing Quiz Results / Grading Short Answer Questions
  3. Providing Instant Feedback
  4. Ensuring Student Submissions

Adding Quizzes

As with our previous video platform, YuJa offers the ability to add quizzes to your videos to engage students in the content further by prompting them to respond before continuing to watch.

To add a quiz to your video, hover over the chosen video and click the More option and then click on Quizzes. You have two choices for quizzes: Video Quiz or Playback Quiz.

Setting up a quiz in YuJa

Video Quiz

Select the Create Video Quiz button to be taken to the quiz creation screen. You'll need to give your quiz a title, then start playing the video. When you reach a point that you want to insert a question, stop and click the Add Question button. You have seven question options (for more details about each of these question types, visit YuJa Help Center):

  1. Multiple Choice
  2. Select Multiple
  3. Short Answer
  4. True or False
  5. Reflective Pause
  6. Decision Point
  7. Fill-in-the-Blank

Adding a title and questions to your quiz

You enter the question in the text box (which has a limited editor bar for customizing the question text), enter the point value for the question, enter your answer options along with selecting the correct response(s). (Some question types offer the option for hints). Click Save when you are done. Then start playing the video again until you reach the next question point and repeat these same steps to enter quiz questions until you are done.

Question setup options

NOTE: you cannot enter multiple questions at the same video point, you must move the slider forward to enter another question.

As you add questions, they will load into the question list to the right of the video, so that you can see what questions have already been added. You can also preview your video quiz to see how it will appear for viewers. The Post option allows you to send notifications to your students that a quiz has been posted; however, it only sends a notification that it is available IN YuJa. It does NOT post it directly to the LMS. (See YuJa Video Basics for details on how to add a quiz to the LMS).

Question list display

Under the Settings option, you can control the way the users interact with the video, such as disabling fast-forward, disable resubmission, record all attempts or most recent, allow unlimited attempts, and select which score to send to the LMS.

Quiz options setting for experience and scoring

Once you are done setting up your quiz, click the Save button. This will store the video with quiz in your media library for access through Cobra to add to your course. 

Playback Quiz

The playback quiz option allows students to earn credit for simply watching the video. Select the Create Playback Quiz button from the initial setup page.

On the setup screen, give the quiz a name and then select the credit type from the two options: 1) full credit given based on a threshold watched (i.e. if a student watches at least 80%, they get the credit; or 2) credit given for percentage watched (i.e., if they watch 80% of the video, they get 80% of the possible score). Click Create when done.

Creating a playback quiz

Once your quizzes are created, you will see them on the Quizzes list for the video. You will see the summary of each quiz as well as manage or edit them. You will also be able to access the activity logs for each quiz (see section below). If you expand the quiz details, you will see the link and embed code with which you can share to access the quizzes THROUGH YUJA directly.

To add the quizzes in Cobra, see the YuJa Video Adding Quizzes to Cobra KB article - do not use the link or embed code to add to Cobra. When the quizzes are added through Cobra, the scores will sync to the gradebook automatically. If you share the links via email or linked in Cobra, the scores will NOT transfer to Cobra.

Quiz setup details

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Reviewing/Grading Quizzes

To access your quizzes in YuJa for grading short answer questions and/or to simply review the quiz submission, you'll first click on the waffle icon in the upper right corner of YuJa, then select the Usage and Analytics option, then click the Gradebook icon/option in the left menu.

YuJa waffle icon clicked to show usage and analytics link

Then, filter for the class under "Group", select the appropriate quiz and click Get Result.

class and quiz selection to get results

In the gradebook, you should see the students that have taken the quiz.

YuJa Gradebook

To grade a short answer option, you can find those notated with a "text" icon in the gradebook column, and click on it to expose the attempt to select and manually grade.

Quiz questions that require manual grading will be highlighted in red with a text icon

A short answer window will pop up for you to grade the question.  Then click Save and then Close to move to the next submission to grade.

Student short answer submission window

Once you are done with the manual grading of the short answer questions, back on the gradebook page, click the "Sync Gradebook" button and select the "on-demand LMS quiz gradebook sync" to push the graded video quiz to the Cobra gradebook.

on demand LMS quiz gradebook syncing prompt

NOTE: auto-graded questions will be sent to the Cobra gradebook without the need for manual syncing.

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Providing Instant Feedback

When you are giving a quiz, it is often good to be able to provide instant feedback on the answer of the quiz in order to instill the concept while the question is fresh in the student's mind.  To do this, you'll need to select the "Provide Answer Right Away" option in the Video Quiz Settings.

Video Quiz Settings for provide answer right away to include feedback

Then, locate the question in the Question List for which you want to provide the feedback and select it.

In the question list, select the question that needs the feedback

In the answers section of the question, locate and select the Add Feedback button (in the right menu) to show the feedback box.  Enter your feedback in the box and click Save.

in the answer section, select the add feedback icon on the right and enter your feedback

This will provide the feedback to the student upon submission of the question.

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Ensuring Student Submissions

Sometimes a grade will not populate for students who have viewed the video and selected responses to the quiz questions.  This is most commonly due to the student not clicking the submit button when they have finished watching the video.  Please remind students that in order to receive credit for the video quiz, they MUST click Submit.

There is, unfortunately, no way for an instructor to force-submit the quiz results.  The quiz can be reopened for the student; however, they will likely have to retake it again to submit it as it will not store their progress unless the submit button is clicked.

Student Submission View with "submit" button highlighted

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KeywordsYuja, Yuja Video, Yuja quizzes, Cobra, Cobra Learning   Doc ID121384
OwnerAntoine T.GroupParkland College
Created2022-09-15 11:21:21Updated2024-01-02 16:42:50
SitesParkland College
Feedback  0   0