Campus Technologies - Service Request Tutorial (for Employees)

Service Request Form Instructions

A service request is used to request services from Campus Technologies.  Service Requests require approval.

Parkland Faculty/Staff can submit a service request through the “Submit a Service Request” link on the Technology Services page or by going to  Start by entering contact information, then enter the ticket details and the appropriate service request type as well as any additional fields on the form.  Once all information is provided, click submit.

The following fields are included in all Service Requests.  Some service request types include additional fields.  Field help is available by clicking the question mark icon next to each field or by clicking Show Help to display help for all fields.


Contact Information Section:                                                                                  

* Denotes Required Fields

Recipient’s Name*:  The person who is receiving this service and/or help.  If you are filling out the form for someone else, make sure the name of the person receiving the work is in this field.

Department*: The recipient's department.

Recipient Availability: List the general availability and/or scheduled office hours in this field.

Recipient Preferred Number:  The phone number to contact for more information regarding the request. This can be an extension, full number, and/or cell phone number.

Ticket Details Section:

Title*: A short description to explain the nature of the ticket.

Description:  The full details of a ticket, including any appropriate circumstances or supplementary information that may aid in resolving it.  The description section should be used to describe what is being requested.  It should include the desired outcome and enough details so Campus Technologies can accurately review the request.

Service Request Type*: Select the appropriate work request type based on your need.  The available service request types include: 

  • Administrative Systems and Web Service (Colleague, 25Live, Docusign, DNN, and other administrative systems)
  • Applications and Software (distribution of software and application updates, and request for quotes)
  • Hardware, Phones, and Peripheral (desktop and mobile device support, printing and related services, and requests for new hardware)
  • Data, Reporting, and Analytics (data from business intelligence platforms, data warehouses, analytics tools, and enterprise resource planning system)
  • Office 365, Email, and File Shares (Inbox access, Calendar access, email, and access to specialized file shares.)
  • Network and Wifi (requests for new network ports, port changes, requests for wireless access points, and server & storage management)
  • IT Consultation (internal or external IT related consultation time)

Room Number: The room associated with the specific ticket location (list also contains Home, Remote, Other) The room list is managed on a per location basis within the Assets/CIs application.

Other Location:  This field should be used to describe the location of the request/incident more accurately.

Priority*:  The importance of a ticket and how quickly it needs attention.  Please select one of the following labels:

  • Low (Not an Immediate Need)
  • Normal (Needed but not Critical)
  • High (Critical and Needed ASAP)

Note: Please always allow one week minimum for completion.  The default priority is (2) Normal, but you can also select (1) High, or 3 (Low).

Requested Due Date:  The requested due date indicates the date that the requestor would like the ticket to be completed.  Service Requests require a minimum of one week.  Additional time may be needed for requests requiring more work or during peak work times.


Attach File(s):  If multiple files need to be uploaded, select all items at the same time before clicking open on the attachment dialog box.  Attachments are not required, but they may include requirements information, proposals, or other supporting information.  (Total file size limit: 20MB)


Once you have filled out all the fields, you can submit the Service Request by clicking the Request button at the bottom of the form.

Tech Service Desk

Room A184, 217-353-3333

Fall/Spring: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th. / 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fridays

Summer: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th

Submit an IT Help Ticket via

work request, request for services, request, services workflow sharepoint service development Colleague small IT project large report reports consultant consultants academic instructional WR TeamDynamix Team Dynamix Team Dynamics 
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