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Cobra Learning - Screen reader accessibility features


The Cobra Learning environment includes features aimed at improving the usability of the system for learners using assistive technology. 

Design decisions to benefit screen reader users include the following items:

  • Standard page design. Similar functionality appears in the same place and is accessed in the same way across tools.
  • Simple heading structure across all tools. Heading 1 is used for page titles. Heading 2 is used for widgets and major page sections. Heading 3 is used to organize information within widgets and subsections.
  • Unique, contextual link names and button names.
  • Title attributes on links that open the link in a new window. It is recommended that you adjust your screen reader settings to read the title attribute. When this setting is turned on, the screen reader alerts you when a link opens in a new window.
  • Descriptive alternative text on all system images and graphics. Brightspace Learning Environment also prompts course designers to include alternative text when uploading images.
  • Table row and column markup and table summaries or captions.
  • Toggle icons, such as show/hide, indicate the state of the control.
  • Skip navigation links and ARIA landmarks so you can skip sections of a page.
  • Account settings that enable you to simplify the layout of many tools. There are specific settings related to accessibility, including system font and font size, the option to change modal dialogs to windows, and the option to turn off the HTML Editor.
  • Full keyboard accessibility. The tab order is logical and tab focus is visually indicated. Drag-and-drop and other dynamic interaction features have keyboard alternatives.
  • WAI-ARIA markup for links, context menus, error messages, and confirmation messages to help improve navigation.
  • Support for browser and assistive technology scaling and contrast options. System content uses styles that you can overwrite using cascading style sheets (CSS); however, the complexity of the system requires detailed style sheets.

See Also:

Keywordsscreen reader standards keyboard navigation assistive technology   Doc ID46514
OwnerAntoine T.GroupParkland College
Created2015-01-27 15:37:34Updated2024-01-02 16:42:50
SitesParkland College
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