Supervisor - Leave Requests & Balances

Supervisors can view their assigned employees' leave balances and leave requests via Self Service. For each leave request, the Supervisor must approve or deny. Comments can be added. Supervisors can also submit a request on their employee's behalf.

Leave balances and requests can be seen in Self Service -

Quick links:

Access the Leave Approval Dashboard in Self Service

  1. Log in to Self Service

  2. Click on "Employee"

  3. Click on "Leave Approval"
    Leave Approval Button View

*Note, if you do not have any assigned employees, you will only be shown a notice that you do not have any eligible employees.

Leave Approval Dashboard view:

Supervisor Leave Approval Dashboard

View Employee's Leave Balances

  1. Click "Leave Balance" under Leave Approval Filter Options, if not already checked

    • Click the "Include Employees with no Outstanding Leave Requests" if needed

  2. Scroll if needed to locate the employee for review.

    • Click the button in the top right - Expand All/Collapse All - if this is helpful in sorting.

    • Click the arrow by the employee's name to expand or collapse their information.

NOTE:  Balances reflect accruals to date, and any *approved* leave requests - even if for future dates.

View Employee's Leave Requests

  1. Click "Leave Request" under Leave Approval Filter Options, if not already checked

    • Filter the Leave Request by type - Submitted, Approved, Rejected, and Withdrawal Pending 

    • Toggle the "Include Employees with no Outstanding Leave Requests", if desired

  2. Click Apply Filters to update the view

  3. Scroll if needed to locate the employee for review.

    1. Click the button in the top right - Expand All/Collapse All - if this is helpful in sorting.

    2. Click the arrow by the employee's name to expand or collapse their information.

Sample Overview of Submitted Requests

Submit Leave Request on behalf of Employee

  1. Click "Leave Request" under Leave Approval Filter Options, if not already checked

  2. Locate desired employee

  3. Click Request Leave under Employee's Name

    Supervisor Request Leave for Employee View

  4. Enter a request for an employee:

    1. Select the Leave type

    2. Confirm leave balance has available hours (see details in top right under menu options)

    3. Select Start and End dates of request

      • For a one day request, the start and end dates will be the same

    4. Type in the applicable leave hours requested by date 

    5. Confirm leave request details entered are accurate

    6. Click Comments to add notes if needed, ex. FMLA or per employee request.  Comments, once submitted, are not editable.

    7. Click Save

      Sample Leave Submission by Supervisor

  5. You can now approve the request as the supervisor.  See next steps.

Take Action on a submitted leave request

Supervisor Actions

From this overview screen, Supervisors can:

    • Click Approve or Reject from main screen to take action

      • For a rejection, comments will need added
    • Click Comments to View and add comments - reminder once submitted these are no longer editable.

    • **RECOMMENDED** Click View to see a detailed view of the request (which includes available leave hours)

      Supervisor Detail View of Request

Here the supervisor can:

      • View employee's available leave hours

        • Pending will show the total *other* requests for this leave type that impact the Effective Balance

      • Change any field - Leave Type, Start/End Date, Hours per day

        • Any change will require a note to be added when approving

      • See overview of requests from employee on left side *and* can click date to jump between requests

      • Click Comments to view or add comments

      • Click Delete to delete the request - only for requests in Submitted status

      • Click Approve or Reject to make determination on request.  Note, Reject will require comments.


  • If you reject a leave, and decide to later approve it, just return to the request and click Approve.

  • For approved leaves that need:
    • Changed or deleted, go back to the applicable request and click Unapprove.  You can then make edits or click Delete.
    • Rejected - click reject and and comments, then save.

Human Resources

Room A116, 217-351-2220

Fall/Spring:  8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., M – F

Summer:  7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., M – Th

For general inquires, email

Keywordsapproval; submit on behalf of employee; self service   Doc ID130622
Ownercarrie T.GroupParkland College
Created2023-08-25 10:28:25Updated2024-01-04 18:12:28
SitesParkland College
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