Topics Map > Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Teams - Creating and Managing a Meeting
This document is an overview on creating and managing meetings in the Microsoft Teams application.
1. Once signed into Teams via a supported web browser (Chrome or Edge) or the installed application, on the left side of the Teams Application, click the Calendar button.

2. In the upper right hand corner, click the New meeting button.

3. Fill out the appropriate information on the next screen depending on how the meeting needs to be set up. It is important to note that at least one required attendee is required for the meeting to be join-able remotely.
• The Scheduling Assistant can be used to help with scheduling multiple people to be a part of the meeting.

4. Once the meeting has been scheduled, it can be found on the calendar within Teams and Outlook. To edit the event, simply click on the event.

5. To join the meeting, click on the meeting to view the details, and then click the Join button in the upper right-hand corner.

6. The next screen allows the camera and microphone to be enabled or disabled and allows different devices to be selected by clicking the Devices button. Once configuration is done, the meeting can be joined by clicking the Join now button.

7. After the meeting is joined, additional people can be added by clicking the Show participants button on the control bar at the bottom center of the application. If this control bar does not show, hover the cursor in the center of the application for it to appear.

8. On the new People pane that appeared on the right side of the screen, additional people can be added to the meeting by typing in their name or email address in the Invite someone text box at the top.
• Alternatively, a link can be copied by clicking the Copy Join Info link to the right of the text box. This link can then be pasted and sent in an email, posted to Cobra, or sent via instant messenger.

9. As invited people join the meeting, they will need to be allowed into the meeting. This can be accomplished by clicking the Check beside their name under the Waiting in lobby section of the People pane. If the person waiting is not allowed in, the X can be clicked to prevent them from joining.

10. After allowing someone into the meeting, they may need to be muted or removed. This can be done by clicking the More options button to the right of each joined person.

11. The meeting can be left by clicking the Hang Up button on the center control bar.