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Cobra Learning - Using Skype in Cobra


In the event that you need to conduct your class meeting time online, Skype can be used to create a meeting to be held online.

Using Skype in Cobra Learning

Creating the Meeting

In Outlook, access your Calendar. Then click on the New Skype Meeting link.

New Skype Meeting

In the To: box, simply enter your own name so that the meeting gets added to your Outlook calendar. Enter a subject title, like "Class Meeting." Then set your start date and time as well as the end date and time. Once you have done that, you can copy the Skype meeting information that appears in the text box.

Setting up the appointment information

Once you are done, click Send to confirm the appointment.

Adding to Cobra

Once you have set up your class meeting appointment in Skype, navigate to Cobra Learning and access your course. Click on Content, and then in one of the modules (like Class Meetings), click the Upload/Create button, then Create a File.

Creating a file on Cobra

Enter a Title, for example the date and time of the class meeting. Then in the content box, click Ctrl-V (paste) and select Keep Formatting to paste your Skype meeting information into the document.

Pasting Skype Meeting Information

OPTIONAL/RECOMMENDED: click above the Skype information to type a message into the box, like "click the link below to join the class on Skype." Then click Save and Close.

Enter instructions and save

Navigate back to the module on the content page to confirm your file/item creation.

Content link confirmation

You can click on the link to confirm that it is set up and to preview what the students will see when they click on it as well.

Skype join page

Skype has two ways for users to access a meeting room: using the desktop application or using the web application. We'll show both in this article.

Desktop Skype

Click the Join with Skype for Business (desktop) link. If Skype for the desktop is already installed on your computer, you will be prompted to Open Skype for Business 2016.

Joining desktop Skype prompt

A new Skype window will open and prompt you to join with audio, provided that you have a microphone and/or speakers. Click OK.

Click OK to join Skype audio

After you click OK, you will be entered into the meeting room.

Skype Meeting Room

Web App Skype

Click the Install and join with Skype Meetings App (web) link. If you've already installed the web app, click the "click here" link to open the app.

Joining desktop Skype prompt

If you do not have the web app installed, it will prompt you to download and install it.

Install package for Skype for web

Once installed, it will open the Welcome window. If you have an Office 365 (Parkland) account, click the "Sign in if you have an Office 365 account" link.

Web Skype Welcome page

This will route you to the Parkland login page, where you will enter your Parkland credentials.

Okta/Cobra login page

After you have been authenticated, you will be entered into the meeting room.

Skype meeting room

Joining as Guest

In the event that you type your name in the box and click join instead of using your Office 365 account credentials,

Web Skype Welcome page, entering your name

you will still be allowed to enter the room, but you will be designated as a guest and it may impede your ability to use all of the Skype functions.

Joining as a guest

Skype Meeting Tools

Once you have entered the room, you will have the full spectrum of Skype tools available to you.

Tech Service Desk

Room A184, 217-353-3333

Fall/Spring: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th. / 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fridays

Summer: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th

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Cobra, skype, live meetings, meetings, conference, conferencing 
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Antoine T. in Parkland College
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