Accessing the Parkland Linux Server

These are some of the typical ways students can access Parkland's Linux server which is called Remy. Your instructor should provide further guidance and recommendations on access options. 

  1. PuTTY A command line interface used for SSH connections to the Linux server. CSC labs should already have PuTTY installed. For personal devices, you may download and install the software from
  2. WinSCP A graphical interface used for file transfer. CSC labs should already have WinSCP installed. For personal devices, you may download and install the software from
  3. Mac Terminal This is the built-in Mac command line interface.
  4. Secure Shell (SSH) - This is a Chrome browser extension that can be installed on personal devices via Please reference your course content for access and usage instructions, if applicable. 
  5. FileZilla - Another excellent option for file transfers. FileZilla can be downloaded and installed on personal devices via Please reference your course content for access and usage instructions, if applicable. 

NOTE: PuTTY, WinSCP, and FileZilla can also be accessed via Apporto which is a virtual desktop environment that provides student access to software on a virtual PC interface without having to download the software to a computer.

Changing your password after the initial password change

If you want to change your password (assuming you already changed the initial password to something of your choosing), simply execute the following command while signed in to Linux: Type in passwd and hit enter on your keyboard. It will prompt you to enter your old password.  Hit enter again, type in the new password, hit enter again, and confirm your new password.

Forgot your password?

Please call the Tech Service Desk at 217/353-3333 or inquire with your instructor. Please be aware that the Tech Service Desk can assist with Linux password resets, however, questions regarding course content and access problems (not having to do with a password issue) should be addressed with your instructor.

Logging In for the First Time

If this is your first time to login to the Parkland Linux server, you must reset your password before setting up any connections. Note: Password information is sent to students at the beginning of the semester via an email from "root".  The initial password is NOT your ParklandOne password.  If you are unable to locate the email containing your credentials, please call the Tech Service Desk at 217/353-3333.  


If you are getting a warning about possible DNS spoofing or that the remote host identification has changed, please click here


1. In the Parkland Linux lab, PuTTY can be found within the start menu. From a personal Windows device, the .exe file should be located in your downloads folder. putty.5

2.The following PuTTY Configuration window will pop up.

  • Under Host Name, type
  • Set the Port to 22.
  • Make sure the Connection Type is set to SSH.

Putty application window.

3. Click Open and a terminal will pop up requesting your login.


4. Enter your ParklandOne username and click Enter on your keyboard.

  Putty login window with username  

5. When it prompts for the password, enter the temporary password which was sent to you via email from root and then click Enter. If you are registered for a Computer Science class and have not received an email with the login credentials, please contact the Tech Service Desk at 217/353-3333.

Note: Usernames and passwords are case sensitive. When you type the password in the terminal window, Linux will not display any characters in the command line.

Putty Password Prompt

6. The system will then ask you to re-enter your temporary password. At the "(current) UNIX password prompt", enter your default password once again and click Enter.

Puttt login window with password reset

7. At the "New password" prompt, enter a password of your choosing and click Enter. The password rules are the same rules used for ParklandOne and can be found at ParklandOne - Password Requirements .

  • It will then prompt you to retype your new password. Enter your password once again and click Enter. 
  • After resetting your password, the system will kick you out.
  • Once you have completed the password reset, you can re-open PuTTY and log on with your new password by following the above steps 1 through 5.

Retype New Password Prompt

To the top


1. In the Parkland Linux lab, WinSCP can be found within the Start menu. From a personal Windows device, the .exe file should be located in your downloads folder.


The first time you open WinSCP, the following Login window will pop up.


2. Under Host Name, type and make sure the file protocol is set to SFTP and the port number is set to 22.

3. Expand the Login button and click Open in PuTTY.

4. A terminal will open requesting your login. Enter your ParklandOne username and click Enter on your keyboard. 


5. When it prompts for the password, enter the temporary password that was sent to you via email from root and click Enter. If you are registered for a Computer Science class and have not received an email with the login credentials, please contact the Tech Service Desk at 217/353-3333.

Note: and passwords are case sensitive. When you type the password in the terminal window, Linux will not display any characters in the command line.

putty login window with password prompt

6. The system will then ask you to re-enter your temporary password. At the "(current) UNIX password prompt", enter your default password once again and click Enter.

putty login window with password reset 1

7. At the "New password" prompt, enter a password of your choosing and click Enter. The password rules are the same rules used for ParklandOne and can be found at ParklandOne - Password Requirements .

8. It will then prompt you to retype your new password. Enter your password once again and click Enter.

putty login window with password reset -2

9. After resetting your password, the system will kick you out.

10. Reopen WinSCP. Type in your ParklandOne username and new password and click Save. You can now re-open PuTTY and log on with your new password by following the above steps 1 through 5. winscp11

To the top

Mac Terminal

1. In the Finder, from the Go menu, choose Utilities.

2. In the Utilities window, double-click Terminal.

3. Use command: ssh 

  • replace username above with your ParklandOne username.

4. Click Enter on your keyboard.

. mac2

5. Enter the temporary password which was sent to you via email from root and click Enter. If you are registered for a Computer Science class and have not received an email with the login credentials, please contact the Tech Service Desk at 217/353-3333.

Note: Passwords are case sensitive. When you type the password in the terminal window, Linux will not display any characters in the command line.


6. The system will then ask you to re-enter your temporary password. At the "(current) UNIX password prompt", enter your default password once again and click Enter. mac4

7. At the "New password" prompt, enter a password of your choosing and click Enter. The password rules are the same rules used for ParklandOne and can be found at ParklandOne - Password Requirements

8. It will then prompt you to retype your new password. Enter your password once again and click Enter. mac5

9. If your password changed successfully, you will see Passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

10. Your connection to Remy will be closed. Run: ssh and connect with your new password.


Do you see a message like this?  If so, you probably have a previous incarnation of the Remy server cached in your Hosts file.

The ECDSA host key for has changed,
and the key for the corresponding IP address
is unknown. This could either mean that
DNS SPOOFING is happening or the IP address for the host
and its host key have changed at the same time.
Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the ECDSA key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in C:\\Users\\kurban/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
Offending ECDSA key in C:\\Users\\kurban/.ssh/known_hosts:2
ECDSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.

To clear this error, delete your Known Hosts file:

  • powershell: rm C:\Users\ACCOUNT\.ssh\known_hosts
  • macOS terminal: rm /Users/ACCOUNT/.ssh/known_hosts
  • For the Chrome extension, follow the steps below:

1. Choose the three dots, select Extensions and then Manage Extensions.

Select three dots<Extensions<Manage Extensions

Find Secure Shell and click the button labeled Details.

Click Secure Shell>Details

Scroll to Extension Options, and click the Open Window box.

Extension Options>Open Window

Scroll down to SSH Files and open it.

Open SSH Files

Click Clear, then Save.

Click Clear>Save

Tech Service Desk

Room A184, 217-353-3333

Fall/Spring: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th. / 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fridays

Summer: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th

Submit an IT Help Ticket via

Keywordsremy root shaula BCST CSIT Putty winscp mac terminal Chrome Secure Shell Filezilla   Doc ID85395
OwnerW. Jason S.GroupParkland College
Created2018-08-31 14:39:29Updated2024-08-15 16:08:29
SitesParkland College
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