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Cobra Learning - Quick Eval


About Quick Eval

Quick Eval offers evaluators a single location to view all learner submissions that are awaiting evaluation. Submissions made to Assignments, Quizzes, and Discussions are displayed in a sort-able list and can be selected to take you directly to their assessment page. Educators can sort, filter, and search submissions to prioritize their evaluation work. Sorting can be done using the first or last name of the learner, Activity Name, Course Name, and Submission date. Filtering can be done using one or more of the following categories: Activity Name, Course Name, and Submission Date. Clicking on a user’s name opens an evaluation screen directly from the Quick Eval list where the evaluator can complete their assessment. The search function in Quick Eval allows evaluators to locate submissions for evaluation by searching for a specific user, assignment, quiz, discussion topic, or course. Once you complete an evaluation, publish your feedback or save it as a draft and then return to the Quick Eval list to continue evaluating. Any assessment awaiting evaluation, or with its evaluation saved in draft status displays in Quick Eval.

Setup Quick Eval

Add a link to the navbar on your course homepage:

  1. From the Course Admin menu, select Navigation & Themes.
  2. Edit the active navbar (or create a new navbar) and click Add Links.
  3. Select Quick Eval and click Add.
  4. Click Save and Close.
Quick Eval on Navigation Bar
Note: the Quick Eval link only appears on the navigation bar of the course where you add it; however, the Quick Eval tool will display ALL assignments for your courses from that link.

Quick Eval submission information

Assignment submissions are listed when a learner submits a file or text, or marks an assignment as complete. They remain visible until an evaluator publishes feedback for the submission. If a resubmission is made by the learner, it is added to the Quick Eval list. Submissions with their feedback in draft status display a draft icon to indicate their status. For assignments with the completion type Automatically on due date, when the due date passes, all submissions display in Quick Eval. Assignments with the completion type Automatically on Evaluation are not displayed in Quick Eval. Evaluators only see assignment submissions from learners in sections they are enrolled in.

Quiz submissions are listed when a learner completes a quiz that requires manual grading. Once the quiz attempt is graded and saved, it is considered evaluated and no longer displays in Quick Eval. If a quiz is setup without the Automatic Export to Grades setting, then a quiz attempt evaluation from Quick Eval does not export to Grades. The evaluator must navigate to the Quizzes tool and select the quiz attempts to publish to the gradebook. Evaluators only see quiz attempts from learners in sections they are enrolled in.

Discussion submissions are listed when assessable discussion topics have a post or a reply written by a learner. When the feedback on a discussion post is saved or published, the learner submission is no longer displayed in Quick Eval. Submissions with feedback in draft status display a draft icon to indicate their status. Evaluators only see discussion posts from learners in sections they are enrolled in.

Two views of Quick Eval

Quick Eval has two views from which to see ungraded submissions.

Submissions View

Submissions view lists the students followed by activity name, course, and submission date. You can select to display by any of these columns in either ascending or descending order. Clicking on the student name will take you to that submission as described in Evaluate Submissions section below.

Quick Eval by Submission

Activities View

Activities view shows the list of assignments and the status of submissions completed, evaluated, and published. New submissions will appear next to the assignment title and you can access the submission to evaluate by clicking on the "new submissions" link as stated in the Evaluation Submissions section below.

Quick Eval by Activity

Filtering Options

To narrow the view of the ungraded assignments, you can select the filter menu and filter by activity name, course, or date.

Quick Eval Filter Options

Evaluate submissions

When an assignment submission is selected from the list of assessable submissions, the evaluator is taken to the Evaluate Submission page.

When a quiz submission is selected, the evaluator is taken to the Quiz Evaluation screen. All questions and answers display with space for evaluators to enter feedback and grades.

When a discussion submission is selected, the evaluator is taken to the Discussion Evaluation screen.

Once evaluation of an individual submission is complete, click Back to Quick Eval to return to the Quick Eval tool at the course level or org level, depending on where you launched it from, and continue evaluating. Or if you grade using the Activities view, you may select to move to the next user for that particular assignment before clicking Back to Quick Eval.

Evaluation Submission Next User

Watch how to grade submissions with Quick Eval

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Keywordscobra quick eval evaluation grading   Doc ID94695
OwnerAntoine T.GroupParkland College
Created2019-09-26 14:49:25Updated2024-01-02 16:42:50
SitesParkland College
Feedback  0   0