Colleague - Requisition Approval Password Maintenance

Approving requisitions in Colleague requires an additional password. This is different than your normal Colleague password and can be set to be blank if you wish to not have it password protected. The password that you create cannot be more than ten characters long. This can ONLY be done on Colleague UI, not WebAdvisor. You must be assigned the proper security/permissions by Campus Tech in order to access this screen.

1. Go to and select Production -OR- select the Datatel Colleague icon on

2. Sign in with your ParklandOne credentials.

3.  Type APPW (Approval Password Maintenance) in the Form Search field and press Enter on your keyboard.
 Type APPW (Approval Password Maintenance) in the Form Search field and press Enter on your keyboard
4.  Enter your ParklandOne username in the Approvals Lookup pop-up window and click OK.
 Enter your ParklandOne username in the Approvals Lookup pop-up window and click OK
5.  Type a new password in the pop-up window text box and click OK.
 Type a new password in the pop-up window text box and click OK.
6.  Type your new password again in the pop-up window text box and click OK.
Type your new password again in the pop-up window text box and click OK.
6.  To save your new password, click the Save or Save All button, then the Update button and finally the Finish button to return to Colleague.
To save your new password, click the Save button, then the Update button and finally the Finish button to return to Colleague.
Click the Finish button to return to Colleague

In order to change your Colleague CF approval password, you must first remove it:
1.Type APPW in the Form Search field and press Enter on your keyboard.
  Type APPW in the Form Search field and press Enter on your keyboard.
2.  Enter your ParklandOne username in the Approvals Lookup pop-up window and click OK.
 Enter your ParklandOne username in the Approvals Lookup pop-up window and click OK
3.  Leave the password text box in the pop-up window blank and click OK.
Leave the password text box in the pop-up window blank and click OK.
4.  To finalize the removal of your password click the Save or Save All button, then the Update button. 
To finalize the removal of your password click the Save or Save All button, then the Update button.
5.  Click OK to accept the "Warning: Approval ID Password will be saved as null." message.
 Click OK to accept the "Warning: Approval ID Password will be saved as null." message
6.  Click Finish to return to Colleague.
Click Finish to return to Colleague.
7. To set a new password, go to set 1 at the beginning of this document.

Tech Service Desk

Room A184, 217-353-3333

Fall/Spring: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th. / 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fridays

Summer: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th

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requisitions, approver, CF UI4 datatel UI5 approvals financial purchase order orders APPW APRN 
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Owned by:
Matt A. in Parkland College
Parkland College