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Cobra Learning - Using HTML Document Templates


Using HTML document templates

You can create a new HTML document based on any existing HTML file. If you set up a path to a directory containing HTML templates in Manage Files, these template choices appear in a drop-down list when you create a new document. All links to assets such as images, CSS and JS files are maintained when you create a new HTML document from a template in Content.

Therefore, you can build many documents from one central template housed in the template directory, with standard styles and images already included.

If you have already created an entirely new HTML document, you can save it in your template directory for other documents.

Enable HTML templates

  1. Click Settings in the Content tool.
  2. Select the Enable HTML Templates check box.
  3. In the Content Authoring area, select the Enable HTML templates check box.
  4. (OPTIONAL) You can also select the Sort HTML Templates by name check box as well, if you wish.
  5. (OPTIONAL) You can also change where your templates are located. Click Change Path.
  6. Select the folder that will contain your template directory, or create a New Folderfor it.
    • If you want to house your templates in a shared folder, click Shared Files first, then click New Folder.
  7. Tip  Normally, a course has its own template directory in Course Offering Files. However, if you want the template directory to be available for all courses and you have the necessary access permissions, set the template directory to a folder in Shared Files. It will be available to all courses within the organization.

  8. Click Select Path.
  9. Click Save.
Content Authoring Tools for enabling HTML templates

Apply an HTML template to a new document

  1. In a module, click Create a file from the Update/Create button.
  2. One of two options will be available:
    • Select a document template from the drop-down list. This drop-down list displays if there are templates available in the folder you chose to contain your template directory.
    • Click Browse for a Template. This button is present if there are no templates in the target folder. You can search for pre-made templates available on Cobra. (See section below on system templates).
  3. Once you have selected a template, customize it according to your needs and click Save or Save and Close.

    Note  If you decide to save a draft based on an HTML template to a different file path, all links to images, css, or js assets are retained.

Using System Templates

  1. To see what pre-made system templates are available, click the Browse for Template button.  Then, select Shared Files. 
  2. Select Daylight_HTML_Template and then Module Templates.
  3. There are 11 pre-made templates from which to choose; select one and click Add. Pre-made HTML template options
  4. This will add the template to your file where you can then go in and edit the heading, the content, and the banner/image. sample of HTML template in Cobra file
  5. Click Save and Close when done editing file.  sample page of HTML template

Templates can help to create consistency within your content and bring some visualization to the materials.

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HTML Cobra templates 
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Antoine T. in Parkland College
Parkland College