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Cobra Learning - Setting Up Quiz Submission Views


This article will walk you through setting up the submission view of your quizzes so that you can control what students see when they complete a quiz.

Quiz Submission Views

While this feature is also included in the Using Quizzes article, we get a lot of requests for it so we're creating this simple walkthrough on setting up your quizzes for students to view their results.

Accessing Submission Views

Go to your quiz.

  1. Click on the Edit option of your quiz.
  2. Select the Submission Views tab.
  3. Select EITHER Default View (to edit the existing default) OR Add Additional View to create a new submission view.

NOTE: the default view shows ONLY the score that the student got on the quiz and nothing else. In order for students to see any FEEDBACK you left, you MUST set up a submission view to allow them to see the quiz results.

Edit quiz > Submission View and select a view to edit or create a new one

Setting Up Submission Views

Once you select the view to create or edit, you'll have several options available to you for customizing your view.

View Properties

  1. You must give it a name.  If you are only creating one view, you might just call it the same thing as the quiz, like Quiz 1.  If you are creating multiple views on one quiz, like a start and end for review; you can call it Quiz 1 Start and Quiz 1 End.
    • (OPTIONAL) You can add a Message to your submission view if you want.

View Restrictions

  1. These restrictions are OPTIONAL, but please read each option VERY carefully.
    • Date: The date and time is when the results will be available for students to review.  For example, let's say that your quiz opens on Friday at 8:00 am and closes on Sunday at 8:00 pm. If you set the time for Sunday at 8:01 pm, after everyone should have taken it, then the student who took it on Friday will only see the default view (i.e. their score).  They will have to log back in after 8:00 pm on Sunday to review their quiz.  If you leave the date blank, students will see their results immediately after submitting their quiz.
    • IP Address: You can enter an IP address in which students can only review it if they are at that location.  For example, only on Parkland's campus.
    • Limited Duration: This setting allows for students to have a limited time to review their results.  You check the box and then it will allow you to set the time (in minutes) that they can view the quiz.  However, this starts upon submission, so as soon as they submit their quiz, they will have x minutes to review it before it resets to the default (i.e. score) view.  

NOTE: You CANNOT combine Date AND Limited Duration.  They will cancel each other out and students will be unable to see their results.

View Details

  1. This is where you will set the details of what the students can see when you show the questions.  If you set a Quiz 1 Start to show the results, you will select "yes" and then the option for viewing.  If you then set another view for Quiz 1 End, you will set it to "no" and that will turn off their view.  NOTE: this is one way that you can limit their duration by date (see View Restrictions above), by controlling the time they have to review their quiz.
    • Select "YES" and then select:
      • Show only the questions they answered incorrectly - this option would eliminate the ability to see the questions that they did get correct.
      • Show only the questions they answered correctly - this would not give them the ability to see the questions they missed
      • Show all questions, but without their responses - this would show them the entire test of questions, but without anything marked (see answer options below though)
      • Show all questions with their responses - this is the most common one used as it shows them the whole test, including what they missed and the answer options they selected
        • Show question answers - this would give them the correct answer to any questions that they missed
        • Show question score and out of score - this is set to be on by default as it shows their "out of" score for each individual question.
    • Select "NO"
    • Show  standards is related to learning objectives, which is not something we are using in Cobra.
    • Score: this is set to be on by default as it is the default setting to show them their overall out of score
    • Statistics: You can show the class average and/or score distribution to students as part of their results as well.  This will indicate how they performed in relation to the others in the class.
  2. When you are done with your settings, click Save. Then click Save and Close on your quiz.

Submission View detailed settings

Student Access to Quiz Results and Feedback

When you have the submission view set to release after submission, their review will pop up immediately after submitting their quiz.  If you have set a duration limit, that clock starts right away and they will only have that length of time to review their results.  If they click away and come back later, they will see only the default view (i.e. score only).  So, make sure that student are aware of your submission view settings.

If you have the submission view set to open at a later time, after the quiz has closed for submissions, students will need to do the following to access the submission view:

  1. Click on Quizzes in the course and click the Feedback: On Attempt link next to the exam they want to review.Quizzes list and click Feedback attempt link
  2. Then, click on the Attempt of the quiz.Click on the attempt link to review results.
  3. This will load the quiz for review in whatever method was set up.Sample quiz review.

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Room A184, 217-353-3333

Fall/Spring: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th. / 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fridays

Summer: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th

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Keywordsquiz, submission view, viewing results, Cobra, quizzes   Doc ID106992
OwnerAntoine T.GroupParkland College
Created2020-11-05 10:57:34Updated2024-01-02 16:42:50
SitesParkland College
Feedback  0   0