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Cobra Learning - Managing users' grades



Managing users' grades

  1. Entering grades
  2. Importing grades
  3. Exporting grades
  4. Accessing the Grades event log
  5. Tracking grades with User Progress

Entering grades

Use the Enter Grades page to enter, import, and export grades for your users. This area displays your grade book organized by user by default. You can switch between the standard view of the grade book and a spreadsheet view that allows you to enter grades directly into the User List.

Note Customize your view of the grade book using More Actions > Hide/Show Columns. Select or clear the check boxes beside the items you want to appear, and click Save.

  1. Enter grades using the spreadsheet view of the User List
  2. Enter grades by user
  3. Enter grades by category
  4. Enter grades by grade item
  5. Enter grades for items associated with quizzes, dropbox folders, or discussions

Enter grades using the spreadsheet view of the User List

  1. On the Enter Grades page, click Switch to Spreadsheet View.
  2. Enter grades in the input fields in the User List.
  3. Click Save.

Enter grades by user

  1. On the Enter Grades page, click on the name of a user.

    Tip Use the Search For and View By fields, or the Next Page icon to locate a user.

  2. On the user's page, enter grades for the user for the appropriate Grade Items.
  3. Click the Show Comments link to add Feedback for the user or Private Comments for your records.
  4. Perform additional tasks as required:
    To Do this

    Flag user for future reference

    Click the Flag icon beside the users name.

    Preview the users grades

    Click Preview in the user's action menu.

    View the event log for the users grades

    Click Event Log in the user's action menu.

    Email the user

    Click Email user in the user's action menu.

    Change final grades

    See [Link for document 48740 is unavailable at this time].

  5. Click Save and Close.

Enter grades by category

  1. On the Enter Grades page, click Grade All from the category's context menu.
  2. Enter grades in the Grade fields.
  3. Click the Enter Comments icon if you want to add feedback or private comments on a users performance.
  4. Perform additional tasks as required:
    To Do this

    Flag user for future reference

    Click the Flag icon beside their name.

    Email users

    Select the check boxes beside the users you want to email and click Email.

    Clear all grades in the category for selected users

    Select the check boxes beside the users whose grades you want to clear and click Clear Grades.

    Clear all grades in the category for all users

    Click Clear All in the item's context menu.

  5. Click Save and Close.

Enter grades by grade item

  1. On the Enter Grades page, click Grade All from the item's context menu.
  2. Enter grades in the Grade fields.
  3. Click the Enter Comments icon if you want to add feedback or private comments on a users performance or simply enter the feedback in the available column.  Or you can select the check boxes beside the users you want to leave feedback for and click Add Feedback.  NOTE: this will post the same feedback for all selected students.
  4. Perform additional tasks as required:
    To Do this

    Flag users for future reference

    Click the Flag icon beside their name.

    Apply a common grade to all users

    1. Click Grade All from the item's action menu.
    2. Enter a Grade.
    3. Click Save.

    Apply a common grade to selected users

    1. Select the users.
    2. Click Set Grades at the top of the list, and enter the grade you wish to give the users.
    3. Click Save.

    Evauate grade items associated with a learning objective

    1. Click the Evaluate objective-based assessment icon.
    2. Select an achievement level for the user.
    3. Click Save.

    Email selected users

    Select the check boxes beside the users you want to email and click Email.

    Clear grades for selected users

    Select the check boxes beside the users you want to clear grades for and click Clear Grades.

    Clear grades for all users

    Click Clear All in the grade item's context menu.

    View the Event Log for the grade item for a particular user

    Click the Event Log icon in the users row.

    View the Event Log for the grade item for all users

    Click Event Log in the item's context menu.

  5. Click Save and Close.

Enter grades for items associated with quizzes, dropbox folders, or discussions

You can associate quizzes, dropbox folders, and discussions with grade items and grade them directly from the Quizzes, Dropbox, and Discussions tools. You can create the grade item as you set up a quiz, dropbox folder, or discussion topic.

The maximum points value of a grade item overrides the final score value of an associated quiz, dropbox submission, and discussion topic. Select Can Exceed in your topic settings to allow the grade value of users' submissions to exceed the maximum points value set in the associated grade item.

Create Bonus questions in quizzes to allow user submissions to exceed the maximum points value set in the associated grade item.

Example If a quiz with a total points value of 10 is associated with a grade item with a maximum points value of 8, a perfect quiz score of 10/10 will display in the Grades tool as 8/8. If a quiz with a total points value of 8 and a bonus question worth 2 points is associated with a grade item with a maximum points value of 8, a perfect quiz score of 10/8 will display in the Grades tool as 10/8.

Note You can enter or update a grade from either the Grades tool or the tool the item is associated with. However, changes made in the Grades tool are not updated in the associated tool.

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Importing grades

You can enter grades in another application and import them into Cobra Learning using a CSV or TXT file. You can also create new grade items through an import file by adding a column to the file.

The import file must follow a standard format; use the Grades sample import file as a reference point. We recommend that you set up your grade book in Cobra Learning even if you want to enter grades in a CSV or TXT file.

Grades import file format

Field Description Example


A unique name for identifying a user in Cobra Learning.

You must provide a Username or Org Defined ID (or both).


Org Defined ID

A unique number for identifying a user in Cobra Learning.

You must provide a Username or Org Defined ID (or both).


Points Grade

Numeric and Pass/Fail grade items should be labeled the grade item name followed by Points Grade.

Users grades should be the Points Grade they received.

E.g., 44 points out of a possible 50 points.


Grade Symbol

Selectbox grade items should be labeled the grade item name followed by Grade Symbol.

Users grades should be a pre-existing grade scheme symbol.

E.g., Very Good, Merit, or 3.5.

Very Good

Text Grade

Text grade items should be labeled the grade item name followed by Text Grade.

Users grades can be any text value. Text grade items do not count towards users final grades.

Perfect Attendance!

Adjusted Final Grade Numerator

The total points a user achieved in a course. You can enter a users percentage grade (without the % sign) if you enter the denominator as 100.

E.g., 84 points out of 100 points or 230 points out of 285 points.


Adjusted Final Grade Denominator

The total possible points available in a course. Enter 100 if you want to record users percentage grades.

E.g., _ / 100 points available or _ / 285 points available.


End-of-Line Indicator

The last column must be labeled End-of-Line Indicator so the system knows when the next set of data begins.

The end of each users line should be indicated with the pound key #.


  • If you enter a grade value that is greater than the value for the grade item, the grade is capped at the value unless you selected the Can Exceed option when setting up the grade item.
  • Do not import other options, such as a users first name, email, or weighted grade.
  • To improve performance when importing grades for large classes, only import grade items that have changed and import by group or section when possible.

Import grade items

  1. On the Enter Grades page, click Import.
  2. Click Choose File.
  3. Locate the file you want to import and click Open.
  4. Select Create new grade item when an unrecognized item is referenced if you want to be able to create new grade items from the import file.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. If you are creating new grade items:
    1. Select the Create New Grade Item check box beside each of the items you want to create.
    2. Select a grade item Type.
    3. Click Continue.
    4. Fill in the grade items properties.
    5. Click Continue.
  7. View error and warning messages associated with the import, and click Continue.

    Note Fields with errors are not imported.

  8. Preview your import and click Import.

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Exporting grades

We recommend that you set up your grade book in Cobra Learning even if you want to enter grades in a CSV or TXT file. You can then use the Export Grades option to create an appropriately structured file.

Export grade items to a CSV or Excel file

  1. On the Enter Grades page, click Export.
  2. Select All users from the Export Grade Items For drop-down list.
  3. Select the Key Field you want to use to identify users.
  4. Select the Grade Values and User Details you want to export.
  5. Select the Grade Items you want to export.
  6. Click Export to CSV or Export to Excel.
  7. A pop-up window will appear. Click on your file's link to download it.

Export grades by group or section to a CSV or Excel file

  1. On the Enter Grades page, click Export.
  2. Select Groups from the drop-down list and click Apply.
  3. Select the groups you want to export from the Groups: drop-down list and click Apply.
  4. Select the Key Field you want to use to identify users.
  5. Select the Grade Values and User Details you want to export.
  6. Select the Grade Items you want to export.
  7. Click Export to CSV or Export to Excel.
  8. A pop-up window will appear. Click on your file's link to download it.

Note Grade items that contain French characters do not display correctly in Microsoft Excel. Do not correct the characters in the CSV file if you want to import the file back into Cobra Learning. Use Notepad if you want characters to display correctly.

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Accessing the Grades event log

Event logs maintain a record of changes made to your grade book. The logs can be useful when auditing a grade book, managing teaching assistants, and discussing grades with users.

  • User Grades Event Log records all of the changes made to a particular user's grades.
  • Grade Item Event Log records changes to users' grades on a single grade item.
  • Final Grade Event Log records changes to users final grades.
  • Manage Grades Event Log records changes made to the properties or restrictions of a specific grade item.
  • Restoring Grade Item Event Log records the date and time a grade item is created or removed, and the user who performs the action.

Access the event log for a user

  1. On the Enter Grades page, click the name of the user you want to access the event log for.
  2. Click Event Log from the action menu of the user's name.

Access the event log for users grades on a grade item

  1. On the Enter Grades page, click Grade All from the action menu of the grade item you want to access the event log for.
  2. Select Event Log from the action menu.

Access the event log for users final grades

  1. On the Enter Grades page, click Grade All from the Final Calculated Grade or Final Adjusted Grade action menu.
  2. Select Event Log from the Final Grades action menu.

Access the event log for changes to a grade item's properties or restrictions

On the Manage Grades page, click Event Log from the action menu of the category or grade item you wish to view.

Access the event log for restoring grade items

  1. On the Manage Grades or Enter Grades page, click Event Log from the More Actions button.
  2. If you want to restore Numeric, Selectbox, Pass/Fail, or Text grade items that were removed, click Restore beside the item's name.

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Tracking grades with User Progress

The User Progress tool enables you to view statistics on a specific users use of Cobra Learning. Click User Progress on the navbar to navigate to the Class Progress page. If the Grades Progress Indicator does not display, click Settings to change which progress indicators display. To view grades for individual users, click on the user's name to navigate to their individual User Progress page.

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gradebook entering importing exporting event log user progress 
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