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Cobra Learning - Viewing user information


Viewing user information

The Classlist tool is a convenient starting point for viewing information about your users. For example, you can check who’s online, view profiles, and check group enrollment.

To view information about your users, use the context menu beside users’ names or at the top of the Classlist.

Top of the Classlist Menu:

Action Description
Email Email selected users.
Instant Message Send an instant message to selected users.

Tip  Check for the Online icon (green dot) beside users’ names before messaging them.

Print Prints a list of selected users in the course, including their profile pictures.  (NOTE: the print option in the upper right corner of the classlist page will print a text-based listing of the students with no photos).
Enrollment Change the enrollment of the selected users.
Unenroll Unenroll selected users.

User Context Menu:

Send Email Email selected user.
View Progress View the User Progress page for a quick overview of a user’s progress on dropbox folders, quizzes, and other course content.
View group enrollments View which groups a user is enrolled in.
View blog View the selected user’s blog. You can only view items the user has made public.
*ImpersonateImpersonate the user. Impersonating this user enables you to view, create, and edit content as if you were that user.

*Impersonate is only available on ZZZDemo ZZZStudent demo student enrolled in the course

Viewing Classlist enrollment statistics

The Enrollment Statistics area provides a summary of course enrollments and withdrawals.

Access the Enrollment Statistics area

On the Classlist page, click Enrollment Statistics.

You can email users from the withdrawals list or print the list.  But the context menu next to withdrawn students is limited to seeing the grades they earned while enrolled and attendance.  NOTE: this attendance is connected to the D2L attendance tool and NOT to the Cobra custom attendance widget. Also, it ONLY records attendance IF the attendance tool is used.

Click Done to return to the Classlist page.

Tech Service Desk

Room A184, 217-353-3333

Fall/Spring: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th. / 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fridays

Summer: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th

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Antoine T. in Parkland College
Parkland College