Topics Map > Cobra Learning

Cobra Learning - About Announcements


About Announcements

The Announcements widget appears on the main Cobra homepage as well as on individual course homepages.

The announcements on the main Cobra homepage will alert you to upcoming maintenance or software updates that might impact the availability of Cobra.

Use the Announcements tool on the individual course homepages to read instructor messages, course information, and other news updates.

News items appear in the Announcement widget, but you can also receive instant notifications about postings through email, SMS, and RSS feeds. See  Cobra Learning - Setting your notifications  to learn about creating instant notifications for news items.

Access the Announcements tool

By default, current announcements will appear on the widget.  You can dismiss them, but if you need to access a prior announcement, do the following:

  • Click Announcements in the header of the Announcements widget.

Keywordsnews rss feed email sms course information updates   Doc ID46801
OwnerAntoine T.GroupParkland College
Created2015-02-03 17:14:40Updated2024-01-02 16:03:56
SitesParkland College
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