Topics Map > AV Support
IMPORTANT: To request AV Resources, the request must be entered in 25Live at least 5 days before the event.
Sign in to 25Live
First sign into 25Live. You can find the link on the home screen.
To access the event form, click the “Event Form” button on the top ribbon or the big blue button in the middle of the home page.
Complete the Event Form
- Event Name – This should include the purpose of the event.
- Event Type – The AV resource will prompt based on the event type. For example, car/vehicle requests will not ask if you need AV resources. Event types “SECTION” or “FINAL EXAM” or those with the Academic Scheduler listed as the scheduler are scheduled through Academic Scheduling. If you need AV resources for one of these events, please refer to the special instructions for “Submitting AV Requests for a location scheduled in Outlook or a course section” in the next part of the document.
- Categories – Select the category that most accurately depicts the category for the event.
- Contact Roles for this Event: The requestor is the person who requests the event, and the scheduler is the person who submits the event form. The requestor and scheduler indicated here will receive emails regarding the event. They can be the same contact person.
- Primary Organization for this Event – This should be the event's host department.
- Expected Head Count – The total number of people attending the event. Please provide an honest reflection on the approximate head count. For example, when requesting the Student Union for a large ceremony, the headcount should not be 10.
- Event Date and Time – This should be the event's start time. Set up and tear down should be listed in the additional time section.
- Additional Time - AV resources require a minimum of 30 minutes of set-up time. If this is left at 0, it will be automatically added.
- Event Location – Add the location for the request like any other event request. If you submit an AV resource for a location not in 25Live or for a class, please reference the section below.
Additional Event Information – for event types included in the AV process, you will see a new section after the location selection, “Additional Event Information.” There is a question about whether this event will require AV support. If you select “no,” you can proceed to the next section. If you choose “yes,” the AV Resource “AV -Technician” will automatically be added to the event. The AV Technician is only assigned to help with setup unless other arrangements have been made with the AV Support Team.
- Event Resources – This is the section where you choose any additional AV resources needed for your event. Please review the location details for the technology in the room before requesting AV resources. For example, D244 has multiple handheld microphones; you will only need to request a handheld microphone if you need more than the room has already defaulted to have.
To make it easy to locate the available AV resources, there is a system search for “AV Resources.” If you select this in the resource search, all available AV resources will populate for you.
- Publish to Calendar –This is how events get published to the Parkland calendars. Please select only the calendars that make sense for the event's target audience. If it is an event geared only toward students, please do not select “employee portal.”
- Event Description – This section will be published on calendars to give the audience an idea of the event's topic.
- Internal Notes – This is viewable by only employees. Please use it to provide the approvers with any additional details you would like to provide. Approvers could be the location approver, AV resource approver, or marketing for events on the portals/website.
- Event State – Leave this as “Confirmed.”
Once you have completed the form, click the blue “save” button at the bottom right of the screen to submit your request.
If you request AV resources within 5 days, an alert will be generated to inform you that the AV support team cannot guarantee requests made within 5 days. You need to call Terrence Stuber to have your request reviewed.
Next Steps
You will receive an email from 25Live stating that the request was submitted. The email includes all requested resources and locations. Please submit any additional work orders needed for the event.
Please check 25Live for the status of your location and resource requests. Approvers are instructed that the best practice is to send an email for all location/resource approvals and denials. However, this is only sometimes done, so it is best to check the task lists of your events in 25Live to check on the status of your locations or resources.
Any questions regarding an AV Request can be directed to Assoc. Director Terrence Stuber at 217-353-2269.
Submitting AV Requests for a location scheduled in Outlook or a course section
If you submit an AV resource request for a location scheduled in Outlook or a course section, please follow the same process and leave the location section empty.
Below are the unique requirements for AV requests that fit these scenarios:
- Add the location to the event title and the internal notes section.
- Outlook Rooms: Please note that you must still secure the location via Outlook if it is for a room scheduled in Outlook
- Outlook Rooms: If you cancel the room request in Outlook, you must also cancel the AV request in 25Live.
- Course Section/Final: The best practice is to wait until after the decision day of that section and after the midterm of the semester for finals week to submit additional requests, such as AV requests, once your room assignment has been finalized and to use the “COURSE RELATED MEETING” event type. Decision days for our section offerings can be found on the Academic Services SharePoint on the Dates and Deadlines Calendar.
- Course Section/Final: If your room assignment changes for a class or exam for which you have an AV request, you will need to update the AV request to reflect the new location.