25Live - Approval Process for Level 3 Users

This is a guide for the approval process for locations and resources in 25Live.

Log In to 25Live

  • You can access 25Live from the My Apps portion of the employee portal: my.parkland.edu

  • You can also access 25Live from the employee portal home page in the list of frequently used apps.

    • Note: If you access 25Live this way you will need to click Sign In in the upper right-hand to prompt the SSO sign-in.

25Live Homepage  

This screen is customizable by each user, so yours may not look the same as the example above.

Tasks Dashboard

  • If you have any outstanding approvals for locations or resources, you will have a red circle with the number of outstanding tasks on the top green banner of the home page.

  • After clicking on tasks in the upper right corner you will be taken to a screen that shows all your outstanding tasks.

  • You may see multiple tasks for the same event if the event has requests for multiple rooms that you approve.

Reviewing the Request

Important things to consider when reviewing space requests:

  • Are there any conflicts for the space?
  • Did they account for any setup/tear-down time? Was this entered properly?
  • What else is going on nearby or on campus that may be impacted?
  • Classrooms and computer classrooms
    • Room sharing between departments for the use of general classrooms or computer classrooms is encouraged.
  • Internal event vs external event
    • If it is an external event it will either be entered by the Vice President for Strategic Partnerships and Workforce Innovations office or the co-sponsoring department.
    • If you have any questions on whether this should go through the facility rental process please contact Tasha King, administrative assistant to VP SPWI.
    • Additional information can be found in Policy 3.13 Use of College Facilities.
  • Was the correct Event Type selected? Listed below are some of the more complicated event types and when they should be used.
    • Car/Vehicle Request
      • This should be only used for car or bus resource requests. If an event needs a physical location and a bus or car these need to be entered as two separate requests.
    • Course-related meeting (Academic Services ONLY)
      • This should only be used for reservations related to a specific course (ex: one-on-one lessons that differ by student for MUS 184, open lab times for a CSC 116 course, MAT 121 midterm)
      • If it is unrelated to a specific academic course or section (ex: a club meeting or program event), do not use this event type.
    • Final exam (Academic Services ONLY)
      • Event type that should only be used for final exams.
      • Do not use it for standard exams like midterms.
    • Maintenance
      • This should be used for room/vehicle maintenance to temporary block requests while the maintenance is in progress.
    • Room Rental (External)
      • This should only be used by the Vice Presidents for Strategic Partnership and Workforce Innovations Office. All external requests must run through that office.
  • Website/Portal considerations
    • If the requester has selected the event to be published on the website or one of the portals.
    • Verify that the event title is named appropriately for the website/portal(s).
    • Proof the description of the event to verify that it is appropriate for the public.

Approving or Denying the Request

  • Approval/Deny from the task screen.
    • You can approve/deny the request from the outstanding task list by clicking on the Assign or Deny option in the Actions column.

  • Approval from the task list in the event.
  • You can approve/deny the request from the task list inside the event by clicking on the Assign or Deny option in the Actions column. This is the recommended way to approve/deny since you will be able to view all tasks associated with the event and you can perform other actions like sending an email from this screen. 

Approving Multiple Occurrences

  • Approving multiple occurrences is very similar to a single occurrence event.
  • You can only approve/deny all occurrences from your task list.

  • If you need to approve some and deny others this must be done from the task list in the event. This will have each one listed separately.

Send the Requestor/Scheduler an Email With Approved/Denied Status

It is important to send an email to both the requestor and scheduler with the outcome of the request. This can be done within 25Live which then keeps a track record that you have communicated this with the requestor and scheduler.  

  • To send an email – first click the More Actions on the right hand of the screen.

  • Then select Email Event. The Requestor and Scheduler can be selected by clicking on the boxes. If needed, there is also a field for you to enter email addresses manually. You can then type your communication in the text box.

  • Please mark “include event details in the body of the message” located beneath the text box.
  • IMPORTANT: A reason for the denial must be sent to the scheduler/requestor for space denials. 

25Live Help

  • If you have any questions about 25Live please refer to documents in Parkland’s KnowledgeBase, CollegeNet’s knowledge base, or contact 25livehelp@parkland.edu.
  • CollegeNet’s knowledge base can be accessed after logging in by selecting the help icon.

  • If you need additional access to be an approver of rooms that your department manages, please make sure that you have logged into 25Live through login.parkland.edu at least once and submit a ticket request under the Request for Additional Access. Please describe which department you work for and the rooms you should approve and this will be reviewed for consideration. 


Tech Service Desk

Room A184, 217-353-3333

Fall/Spring: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th. / 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fridays

Summer: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-Th

Submit an IT Help Ticket via services.parkland.edu

Keywordsroom location resource   Doc ID142814
OwnerHolly L.GroupParkland College
Created2024-10-03 15:21:50Updated2024-10-17 13:58:11
SitesParkland College
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