Nintex - Initiate Payroll Authorization

Use this form to submit either student or biweekly hourly position requests; or monthly payroll authorizations for work outside of base pay.

BeginAccess the form at

Section 1: Form Selection

a.    Select your desired form type using the drop down box - Monthly, Part Time Hourly, or Student

b.    Click Next

Pay Auth Form Selection View

Section 2: Name and ID

a.    Enter the requested information; required fields are noted with a red asterisk (*)

       i.    If the employee does not yet have an ID, check the box for “No ID Assigned” – not an option for student authorizations

b.    Click Next when all information is submitted

Section 2 Preview Name and ID

Section 3 – Account and Position

a.    Enter all known & required information

Account and Position Fields

      1. Required information fields will vary depending on the form type

      2. On student and hourly forms, the Position ID will auto load after selecting the Position Title

      3. For Monthly authorizations, Supporting Documents can be directly attached at this step

      4. Use the Description box on the monthly and biweekly hourly forms to add any details on your submission - ex. funding change only, replacing prior position, etc.  Anything that the approvers will need to know as they review the form

        Pay Auth - Description Box

b.    Click Next when all information entered

Section 4 – Approval

a.    Enter in the name and email of the appropriate signers for your department's Faculty Chair/Director, Dean, and Vice President 

       i.   If no Dean, check the “No Dean” Box

b.    Click Submit

Section 4 Approval Preview

After Submission:

a.    You will receive an email confirming basic information on the payroll authorization you submitted
b.    If your authorization is not approved at any level, the person declining to approve will provide notes as to why this is occurring 

c.    You can see any of your forms in progress or submitted at  

Sample Email Confirm

Additional features of this new process:

1.    You can go back to “Previous” in any section – changes to form selection type will impact form required information in later steps

2.    You cannot save forms in progress – forms must be submitted to be sent for approval


Room A108

Fall/Spring:  8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., M – F

Summer:  7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., M – Th

For general inquires, email

Keywordsstudent biweekly hourly monthly approval   Doc ID127127
Ownercarrie T.GroupParkland College
Created2023-04-07 07:51:38Updated2023-08-14 13:37:46
SitesParkland College
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