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Public Printing (Guests) - Self Registration for PaperCut

Guests can register online in order to create a PaperCut account. Once your account is created, you will have the ability to print within the Parkland Library. Former Parkland students will be able to print using their ParklandOne credentials for approximately one year after the last day they attended classes. After that, former students will need to create a PaperCut guest account instead.

PaperCut Self Registration

Once your account is created, you need to add value before you can send and release your print jobs. Add Value Stations are available in the library and they accept cash, coins, and cards. 

  • B/W prints - 10 cents/page
  • Color prints - 50 cents/page
  • B/W, double-sided prints - 5 cents/first side
  • Color, double-sided prints - 35 cents/side

The first step in the Guest Registration process is to visit the Parkland PaperCut website: and click the Register as a New User link.

Riegister New Account

Self Registration Form

The Register New User Account form opens. All fields are required.

A valid email address is necessary to not only verify your new account, but communicate with you about any jobs you have submitted. Enter your full name, email address, and a username that you will remember. The system will automatically insert "guest-" as a prefix onto your username to prevent duplication with existing non-guest PaperCut accounts. In the example below, testuser was entered in the username field and thus the complete username becomes guest-testuser. Next, create a secure password, enter it a second time to verify it, and don't share it with anyone. 

Register Button

When the form is complete, Click the Register button.


This screen that appears will indicate that you have successfully created your account. You'll receive an email asking you to verify your account. Those instructions are at the end of this document.

Click Login

Clicking Login opens the PaperCut Log in page with your username filled in.

First Login

Enter your password and Click Log in.

Login Button

After logging in, your PaperCut account summary page will appear. It details information about your account. You can add credit to your account by using the add credit stations in the Library. Log Out when you're finished.

PaperCut Account Summary Page

This completes your Guest Account Registration. Now that you have your guest account registered, you can use it at the sign-in prompt when printing from the public workstations in the Learning Commons and to log into the PaperCut release station when retrieving your print job/s.  

PC Print Guest Self Registration PaperCut PC Print library 
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Owned by:
James K. in Parkland College
Parkland College