How to Uninstall Adobe Creative Cloud Applications on a Mac Computer

These instructions are for anyone who would like to remove individual Creative Cloud applications from their Mac computer. In some cases, one might want to remove an outdated version of a specific Creative Cloud application.

1. With Creative Cloud running, click the Creative Cloud icon in the menu bar above to open the Creative Cloud application.

Creative Cloud Icon Location

2. In the example below, you will see a list of applications that are currently installed on this computer.

Creative Cloud Installed Apps

3. Click the Three Dots to the right of the application you would like to uninstall, then click Uninstall. In the example below, we are uninstalling Photoshop.

Creative Cloud Uninstall Apps

5. You may be prompted to either keep or remove plugins, settings, and other preferences. If you plan to reinstall this application in the future, it would be a good idea to select keep. For this example, we will be selecting Remove.

Creative Cloud Remove Preferences

6. Once the application has been removed, it will no longer appear in the list of installed applications. In the example below, Photoshop is no longer listed.

Creative Cloud Uninstalled Apps

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