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Scheduling a Teams Meeting in Outlook Calendar (Novice)
Scheduling a Teams Meeting in the Outlook Calendar, downloaded app:
In your Outlook email system click on the calendar icon.
Once in the calendar, click on the icon “New Teams Meeting” located in the top toolbar.
Complete the following information:
- Title of the meeting.
- Required participants. If you want it to be sent to a person’s (or class’s) Outlook calendar, put those email addresses there. However, if you just want to create a link that you can copy and paste (and post to Cobra, for example), put your own name under Required.
- Optional you can typically leave it blank.
- Start time and End time are when it will appear in the calendar. You could set it to be recurring at your class time if you are using the meeting for class. Or it can be a one-time calendar meeting and you’ll be able to copy the link and post elsewhere.
“Click here to join the meeting” should already appear. This is the link you will be copying to put into Cobra or email others (like students).
Scheduling a Teams Meeting in the Outlook Calendar, browser-version of the app:
In the web version of Outlook email, the calendar icon looks like this (image below):
Click “New Event” to schedule a meeting.
Toggle “Teams meeting” on and fill out the desired information as listed in the previous section.