Apporto - Access and Instructions
Logging In
Standby Mode
Options and Settings
Managing Files
OneDrive Access
Printing Access
Logging Out
Apporto can be accessed via
1. Click Log in and sign in with your ParklandOne username and password.
2. "Parkland GPU Desktop" and "Parkland Standard Desktop" will appear on the home screen and both can be launched simultaneously if desired. You may see more desktops depending on the classes you are enrolled in. In addition, in the upper right of the home screen, there is a HELP menu where you can access a User Guide as well as submit an Apporto support request.
• Parkland GPU Desktop contains larger, more graphically intensive apps such as Adobe Creative Cloud and AutoCAD.
• Parkland Standard Desktop contains smaller, less graphically intensive apps such as Microsoft Office and Adobe Reader.
(Note: Please use the Standard Desktop if you do not need graphics hardware acceleration. Clicking the name of the desktop will show the software available within, both desktops contain Microsoft Office O365 and Adobe Reader.
3. Click launch on the desired desktop(s).
Automated Standby Mode – On 1/1/22, Apporto introduced an automated standby mode between the hours of 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM local time. During this window, if no users are using the service, the Apporto servers will be in standby mode. If a user decides to start using the service at or after 11:00 PM, the servers will automatically start - and the user will have to wait for 1-2 minutes while the server starts. Of course, if a user starts using the service at 9:40pm, the server will wait until the user finishes his session to shift to standby mode. If the system is waking up from standby mode, the user will see a "Please wait 1-2 minutes" message similar to the following:
4. Options and settings: Once launched, in addition to seeing the various applications that are available, there are a number of options in the toolbar at the top. These include Hide, Expand, File Upload, File Download, Screen Share, Messenger, More menu, Network Indicator, Sound On/Off, and Settings.
Hide: The ^ icon will hide the options bar. Click again to unhide it.
Expand: Expand button will make the Apporto workspace full-screen. If you need to exit full-screen mode, you can press Escape on the keyboard, or move your mouse to the top of the screen and click the small drop down, and then the X.
Upload: This allows you to choose files from your own workstation to upload to the Apporto workspace. The files, by default, will upload to the Apporto desktop. Very large files, such as videos, may take several minutes to upload.
Download: This allows you to download files from your Apporto workspace to your local workstation.
Screenshare: This enables you to create a share link to provide to others with varying levels of access. You can use this to allow other people to view what you are doing, or even take control of the desktop. This is very useful for tech support troubleshooting.
Chat: If you are part of a classroom group, you will have access to the messenger applet. This allows users to message their instructor directly and gives instructors access to view student’s screens.
More Menu:
Second Monitor: To use multiple monitors, click the More menu option and select Second Monitor to open a second browser tab. Drag the tab to another monitor and resize as needed. The desktop view will span both tabs/monitors. Then, you can drag applications to either monitor. You may use up to three monitors.
Snapshot: Snapshot allows you to take up to two snapshots of your profile, which enables you to “roll back” your work to a previous state if you make a mistake or accidentally delete a file.
Network Quality: Clicking the bar graph will give you information regarding your connection with Apporto’s servers. The lower the network latency the better. If you have a poor network connection, you may opt for a fixed, lower resolution (1024 x 768). This option will ensure a faster system responsiveness, since less data is transferred from the cloud to your browser. This setting is found within the settings cog wheel.
Sound: Click the speaker icon to turn sound on. Click it again to turn sound off. By default, sound is turned off.
Settings: The settings cog wheel will allow you to access screen scaling, resolution, video compression, and enabling/disabling your microphone, webcam, and clipboard. It will also allow you to connect a USB drive to Apporto. By default the Apporto desktop displays at a high resolution for optimal image quality. The resolution is dynamically adjusted when you change your browser size (for example by toggling to full screen mode). If you want desktop images and text to appear larger, you may increase the scale up to 250%. Increasing the scale may reduce system responsiveness though, since more data is transferred from the cloud to your browser.
5. Managing Files: At the bottom of the Apporto window, you will see a Windows Start Menu as well as a File Explorer button. Within File Explorer, you will have access to multiple folders and drives. When you click This PC, you will see a U:/ drive. This is your permanent share drive that is accessible between desktops. We recommend that if you are saving files to the Apporto workspace, that you save them in this drive. Files saved to the desktop or other folders may not be there the next time you log in. The U:/ is persistent and backs up your information. Items can be saved here and accessed by the user within Apporto at any time.
6. Connecting your OneDrive to Apporto: On the desktop, there is an application called "Cloud Mounter". Once opened, it allows users to save from Apporto directly to a cloud storage location such as OneDrive.
(NOTE: We recommend that you copy files from your OneDrive to the Apporto desktop or U:/ drive before working with them!)
Using Cloud Mounter:
A) Open the software on the desktop. You will be presented with a prompt that looks like this:
B) Select OneDrive. It will prompt you with a Connection Dialog box. Leave the drive name and check box selected, and then click Connect Now.
C) Cloud Mounter will then display the sign-in screen. Enter your ParklandOne credentials to sign in. You will then need to authenticate with MFA (multi-factor authentication). Once signed in, you may see a prompt asking you to accept the permissions. Click Accept.
D) Once connected, your OneDrive folder should automatically open. The Cloud Mounter software should show an existing connection and your OneDrive becomes mounted in the File Explorer as the "O:/" drive. We recommend that you copy files from your OneDrive to the Apporto desktop before working with them.
7) Printing from Apporto: Apporto has launched the ability to print to a local printer you have at your home, or that you have been assigned at Parkland college. When you try to print within the Apporto workspace, you will be presented with a Print window that will be similar to this, with "Apporto Printer (redirected)" set as the default:
Leave the redirected printer selected, and choose Print. This will convert the document to a PDF, and then present a second print option which will allow you to choose a local or assigned printer:
8. Logging out: Once you are done in Apporto, please do the following:
• Ensure you have saved any files to the appropriate U:/ drive folder, or your connected OneDrive account.
• Close out of the application you are using.
• Within the Apporto desktop, click Start, Power, and choose Disconnect (you may also just exit out of the browser).
• Sign out of the Apporto homepage by navigating to your name in the upper right and selecting Logout.