25Live - Navigation

Instructions and helpful hints for navigating 25Live.
25Live does not support Internet Explorer. Please use Microsoft Edge, Firefox or Chrome instead. Please login to 25live to access all features that you have access to. If you do not have a 25live account or need additional access, please submit a service request ticket to Campus Technologies. 
Additional information on how to use 25Live can be accessed on CollegeNet's KnowledgeBase by selecting the help button after logging into 25Live. 
Help Button

KeywordsNavigate, 25 live, navigation bar, customize, dashboard, favorites, starred items, personal views, browsing   Doc ID95576
OwnerJennifer C.GroupParkland College
Created2019-11-04 17:09:37Updated2024-07-08 17:30:06
SitesParkland College
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