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Cobra Learning - Office 365 Email and Widget


Office 365 Email and Widget

  1. Email from within Cobra Learning
  2. Office 365 Widget
  3. Upload OneDrive files to a dropbox

Email from within Cobra Learning

Cobra Learning does not have its own email system, instead it is connected to the Parkland Office 365 system.  You have some limited email functionality within Cobra Learning, though.  You'll notice the envelope icon in the mini bar.  Click on that to access the Instant Messages and Email links.


When you click on the Email link, you will be taken to a Compose New Message page.


If you click on the address book, you will see that only external email address are displayed.  Also, there is a “Sent Mail” button.


This will take you to a page where you can view any messages you have sent from within Cobra Learning.  

Note: Messages sent from Cobra are kept only in this folder.  You can also copy yourself on email messages for a copy to be kept in your Outlook account.  


Settings Link

On the settings page, you can choose to have a copy of any sent messages put in your Sent Mail Folder and also send a copy to your Parkland email address. You can fill in the "Reply to" field so that anyone who replies to messages sent from within Cobra Learning will go to the email address entered here. You can also create an Email Signature.


Note: You can also email other users from the Classlist page. 

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Office 365 Widget

The Office 365 Widget will give you a quick view of your Inbox, Calendar, and OneDrive folder.  This widget sits on the main Cobra homepage under the My Courses widget, but can also be added to the homepages of individual courses as well.

You can use the buttons at the top of the widget to access the web interface of that tool.  The numbers show how many new notifications you have for that tool.


If you click the arrow to expand the tabs under the top buttons, it will let you select which tool to see in quick view. Clicking on any tab will update the quick view panel below.


The quick viewer displays the 20 most recent emails in your inbox, the next 10 upcoming events on your calendar, or the files in your OneDrive folder, depending on which tab you have selected. Clicking anywhere inside the quick viewer area will open the web interface of that tool.


Calendar Widget Tab


Note: The first time you use the widget you will be asked to sign into your Office 365 account. After logging in using your Parkland One credentials, you will not be asked to do so again.

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Upload OneDrive Files to a dropbox

Once you have connected your Office 365 account to Cobra Learning, you will be able to upload files from your OneDrive account to a dropbox within Cobra Learning.

To submit a One Drive file to a dropbox:

  1. Click the Add a File button
  2. DropboxChooseExisting.png
  3. Select the OneDrive Files option. And follow the prompts to locate your file.
  4. Select the file you wish you upload and click Add.

Note: you may be asked to log into your Office 365 account to ensure authentication prior to OneDrive access.

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Keywordsoffice 365 email cobra messages cobra mail onedrive one drive Microsoft outlook   Doc ID60731
OwnerAntoine T.GroupParkland College
Created2016-02-12 11:40:49Updated2024-01-02 16:42:50
SitesParkland College
Feedback  67   0