Connect to RDS Database
Download the necessary software
- DBeaver - you can use any tool that connects to a Postgres database server, the instructions and classroom demonstrations will assume you are using DBeaver.
The VPN will require a separate OVPN file, which will be provided by your instructor.
Setup VPN connection profile
Open the AWS VPN application, and select File -> Manage Profiles
Click Add Profile
Give it a name, and click the folder icon next to the VPN Configuration File text box
Browse to where you saved the .ovpn file from your instructor and select that file. The directory path should appear in the VPN Configuration File box. Click the Add Profile button
Then click Done
You now have a completed profile, and you'll be able to connect to the VPN endpoint with a split-tunnel connection. This means that internet traffic for your RDS database will go through the AWS VPN, but all other traffic will use your normal internet connection. Click Connect to start the session.
You will see a dialog box confirming that you are connected. IMPORTANT!!! Make sure to disconnect from the VPN when you are done, as AWS charges the college for the time that you are connected to the VPN, regardless of whether you're using the connection or not.
Connect to the Database
Launch the DBeaver application. If you don't see the connection settings dialog box already, open it from Database -> New Database Connection
Click the button to select the PostgreSQL database type
Enter the following information in the Main tab
Connect by: Host
Port: 5432
Check the box for Show all databases
Authentication: Database Native
Username: {sent by your instructor}
Password: {sent by your instructor)